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At first glance, QR Code looks like a maze, but it is not a maze at all. The "QR maze" is a new design created by converting the QR Code into a maze while retaining its function as a QR Code. QR maze" is a registered trademark.

We will issue a quotation.

We will provide you with a link for payment.

At first glance, QR Code looks like a maze, but it is not a maze at all. The "QR maze" is a new design created by converting the QR Code into a maze while retaining its function as a QR Code. QR maze" is a registered trademark.

Please follow the instructions on the link site for payment.

At first glance, QR Code looks like a maze, but it is not a maze at all. The "QR maze" is a new design created by converting the QR Code into a maze while retaining its function as a QR Code. QR maze" is a registered trademark.

Production will begin after payment is confirmed.

*For the maze for QR code payment, we will separately ask you for the QR code image included in the starter kit, etc. necessary for production.

At first glance, QR Code looks like a maze, but it is not a maze at all. The "QR maze" is a new design created by converting the QR Code into a maze while retaining its function as a QR Code. QR maze" is a registered trademark.

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Option for QR code payment
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QRコードは一見すると迷路に見えますが、決して迷路にはなっていません。 そのQRコードを、QRコードとしての機能を保持しながら迷路に変換し、新しいデザインを生み出したものが「QR迷路(QR maze)」です。「QR迷路」は登録商標です。
© Copyright


QR Maze" is a registered trademark of Nihon Densaku Co. The QR Maze creation method and maze code creation program are based on a patent (P6968387) owned by Nihon Densaku Co.

QRコードは一見すると迷路に見えますが、決して迷路にはなっていません。 そのQRコードを、QRコードとしての機能を保持しながら迷路に変換し、新しいデザインを生み出したものが「QR迷路(QR maze)」です。「QR迷路」は登録商標です。
QRコードは一見すると迷路に見えますが、決して迷路にはなっていません。 そのQRコードを、QRコードとしての機能を保持しながら迷路に変換し、新しいデザインを生み出したものが「QR迷路(QR maze)」です。「QR迷路」は登録商標です。
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