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QR Maze Sample

For production costs, we will prepare a new estimate after asking for your desired text strings.

The sample shown is only an image.

The basic fee refers to the cost calculated by the rough estimate on the top page for strings such as the URL of the website, excluding the QR Code for QR Code payment.

For the base QR maze (Product A), if the center of the maze is processed to be hollow, the basic fee will be +1,000 yen, and if color processing is applied, the fee will be +1,000 yen. The cost for attaching a frame will remain the same.

Since these are rough estimates, we will submit a formal estimate based on your desired character strings and specifications for the finished product.

At first glance, QR Code looks like a maze, but it is not a maze at all. The "QR maze" is a new design created by converting the QR Code into a maze while retaining its function as a QR Code. QR maze" is a registered trademark.


Basic charge

A basic "QR maze" produced from a string of text.



Basic charge+¥1,000

A design with a colored "QR maze" for Product B. Please leave the color scheme to us.



Basic charge

A basic "QR Maze" with a frame and open entrance and exit areas.



Basic charge+¥2,000

Design with colored "QR maze" for Product C. Please leave the color scheme to us.



Basic charge+¥1,000

The QR maze is hollowed out so that a logo or other information can be displayed in the center of the maze.

© Copyright


QR Maze" is a registered trademark of Nihon Densaku Co. The QR Maze creation method and maze code creation program are based on a patent (P6968387) owned by Nihon Densaku Co.

QRコードは一見すると迷路に見えますが、決して迷路にはなっていません。 そのQRコードを、QRコードとしての機能を保持しながら迷路に変換し、新しいデザインを生み出したものが「QR迷路(QR maze)」です。「QR迷路」は登録商標です。
QRコードは一見すると迷路に見えますが、決して迷路にはなっていません。 そのQRコードを、QRコードとしての機能を保持しながら迷路に変換し、新し��いデザインを生み出したものが「QR迷路(QR maze)」です。「QR迷路」は登録商標です。
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